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Deconstructive Criticism

Nov 21, 2021

In the final between season bonus episode, Allison invites her BFF Beyza to join in on discussing... well, whatever they end up (or avoiding) discussing.

Allison - Erin B. Lillis
Beyza - Nazli Sarpkaya

Written by David S. Dear

Theme music:
"Coffee" by Cambo
"Life Illusion" by Ketsa

For more info visit...

Oct 17, 2021

Paul and his best friend Chuck sit down to do a walkthrough episode of Zond Arsenal. At least they try to.

Paul - Carl G. Brooks
Chuck - Richard Nadolny

Written and directed by David S. Dear

Executive producers - David S. Dear and Shannon Perry

Theme music:
"Coffee" by Cambo and "Life Illusion" by Ketsa

Sep 19, 2021

In this bonus episode Coral invites on a special guest, their BFF Dale, where they talk about being nonbinary.

Coral - Tal Minear
Dale - Brad Colbroock

Written and directed by David S. Dear

Executive producers - David S. Dear and Shannon Perry
Consulting producers - Tal Minear and Brad Colbroock

Theme music:
"Coffee" by...

Mar 28, 2021

The Baxter-Ellis family is at Paul's best friend's wedding. Coral brings a portable recorder and picks up more than they might have been prepared for.

Paul - Carl G. Brooks
Coral - Tal Minear
Allison - Erin Lillis
Farah - Sarah Rhea Werner
Chuck - Richard Nadolny
Elaine - Nikki Richardson
Marisol - Melissa...

Mar 14, 2021

While a debate rages on on whether or not to attend Paul's best friend's wedding there's another secret debate which you all get to vote on.

Allison - Erin Lillis
Coral - Tal Minear
Paul - Carl G. Brooks

Written by Shannon Perry

Theme songs:
"Coffee" by Cambo and "Life Illusion" by Ketsa